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Programme and invitation | Worksite visit of the E420 – N5, Couvin – 9 November 2018


Friday, 9 November 2018 from 12.30 till 16.30
Brasserie des Fagnes, Route de Nismes 26 – 5660 Mariembourg

FEBELCEM, EUPAVE and ABR-BWV are glad to invite you to the worksite visit of the “Construction of the by-pass road of Couvin in two-layered continuously reinforced concrete“.

The day will start with a welcome coffee and sandwich lunch at Brasserie des Fagnes (Mariembourg) followed by presentations of the worksite, the concrete paving company and the technique of two-layered CRCP.
After the visit of the jobsite, a reception will be held at the Brasserie.

Presentations will be given in English



Free participation for ABR-BWV and EUPAVE members and partners
€75,- for other participants

  • For Belgian participants, payment via FEBELCEM account 91-0514641-22
    IBAN : BE06 1910 5146 4122 | BIC : CREGBEBB
  • For non-Belgian participants, payment via EUPAVE account 732-0173411-26IBAN : BE 597320 1734 1126 | BIC : CREGBEBB

Registration and payment until 1st November 2018
Limited number of participants

Victim of its own success, it is no longer possible to register to the worksite visit.
Thank you all for your interest.

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