The German “InformationsZentrum Beton”, together with EUPAVE and their partners held in Berlin the 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads!”. The event took place at the Titanic Chaussee Hotel between 19 and 22 June 2018. The German Concrete Roads Day “FGSV-Betonstrassentagung” was organized within the Symposium on Wednesday 19 June.
The theme of the Symposium “Concrete connects” was particularly well chosen as the event was attended by 450 participants from 30 countries.
The 62 presentations given within the 3-days conference covered 11 different themes on Maintenance Strategies, Case-studies, High Axle-load areas, Urban and Public Roads, Quality Control, Highways and Truck Parking Areas, Surface Characteristics, Big Data and Soil Treatment.
Alongside these oral presentations, 26 posters were exhibited.
The Symposium could not have taken place without the help of its 6 partners – Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt), World Road Association (PIARC), International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP), Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen e. V. (FGSV), Guetegemeinschaft Verkehrsflächen aus beton e.V., Verband Deutscher Zementwerke e.V. (VDZ) – and 25 exhibitors. You can find more information on these companies here.
The Opening Session on Wednesday 20 June included the welcome speech by Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing Ulrich Nolting, Managing Director of InformationsZentrum Beton GmbH, Gerhard Rühmkorf, Head of Section, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (Germany), Stéphane Nicoud, President of EUPAVE, Claude Van Rooten, President of the World Road Association and Dir.’in Dipl.-Ing Elfriede Sauerwein-Braksiek, Chair of the Road Transportation Research Association (FGSV).
Stéphane Nicoud, President of EUPAVE
Mr. Michael Darter, Emeritus Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois and Principal Engineer for Applied Research Associates, Inc. gave the keynote speech.
You can read more information on Mr. Darter speech here.
© Oliver Edelbruch – All speakers from Opening Session: Stéphane Nicoud, Ulrich Nolting, Gerhard Rühmkorf, Michael Darter, Claude Van Rooten and Elfriede Sauerwein-Braksiek.
The Opening Session was also the occasion for EUPAVE to release its promotional video. You can take a look at it here.
The event came to an end Friday 22 June 2018 with the prize-giving for the:
It was also the occasion to announce the two countries candidates to welcome the 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Poland and Turkey. A decision will be taken within the next months and be announced in 2019.
You can find the full programme of the Symposium here.
You can access all pictures here.