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Invitation to EU Debate “Green Deal: the right choices for a climate resilient and sustainable TEN-T”, 9 December 2020


Mr. Petar Vitanov, MEP, and EUPAVE, the European Concrete Paving Association, invite you to a debate on “Green Deal: the right choices for a climate resilient and sustainable TEN-T”.

The event will start with words of welcome from Mr. Petar Vitanov, MEP (S&D) and Mr. Stéphane Nicoud, President of EUPAVE.

Mr. Luc Rens, Managing-Director of EUPAVE, will talk about “Innovative and sustainable tendering for European motorways”.

Mr. Mario Krmek, Asset Manager at ASFINAG Baumanagement GmbH, will introduce a circular and long-term approach for Austrian motorways.

Afterwards, contributions will be made from DG GROW and DG MOVE.



To register, please contact Elise Carabédian, e.carabedian@eupave.eu.


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