Publication – Roller Compacted Concrete
20 June 2019
Roller compacted concrete: making concrete pavements available to the whole pavement building industry
The advantages of conventional vibrated concrete pavements are well known: strength, antiskidding properties, luminosity, fire resistance, durability, reduction of fuel consumption, minimal maintenance, more economical than other options in the long term. However, in most cases they must be constructed with machinery only suitable for concrete paving. Although present all around the world, the number of machines for mechanized construction of concrete pavements is largely exceeded by those used for asphalt paving, mainly finishers and rollers. Roller Compacted
Concrete (RCC) is a hybrid technique allowing the use of asphalt equipment to achieve a pavement featuring properties (strength, durability) similar to those of vibrated concrete pavements. Although primarily intended for low speed applications such as industrial yards or secondary and residential roads, progresses in machinery and construction methods along near 50 years of experience have expanded the use of RCC pavements for carriageways with higher traffic volumes. Currently, for most applications where vibrated concrete pavements are used, RCC is also a feasible option providing excellent results.