Publication – Vehicle Restraint Systems on the A55 and A483 Trunk Roads

This study has been presented by John Elystan Richards during EUPAVE’s Concrete Safety Barriers workshop on Friday, 2nd March 2018. Following a strong interest in the topic, EUPAVE decided to share this study as a EUPAVE publication.

“Preface by EUPAVE:

The EU Directives on Public Procurement and Concessions are applicable since 18 April 2016. One of the goals of this legislation is to have bids assessed on the basis of the best price-quality ratio using tools such as lifecycle costing.
Life-cycle costing is unfortunately rarely applied today in Europe for procurement of transport infrastructure, despite the savings it can offer over the life of an asset of infrastructure, such as a road or a safety barrier. Thanks to the new Directives, there is an opportunity for Member States to update their procurement practices and save tax-payers’ money, while also benefiting the environment.
EUPAVE is committed to providing guidance by offering its technical expertise and know-how to its members and to contracting authorities in the European Union who wish to use cost-effectiveness approaches to provide better value for money and more sustainable infrastructure.”

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EUPAVE Publications